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Children's Ministry



It is about more than 12 years that the First Free Haitian Church of Nazarene, found and built a place for the children of the church. We know that children are the future of the church and the world, for that reason we have devoted our time for their formation. We can count almost 120 children being part of this ministry and the number continues to grow yearly. They are divided in different section or by group of age, for an accurate line of formation for each category. The children’s ministry ages range from 2 to 14. There, we value competence and excellence, children are preparing to know the words of God, develop their talent in singing, and they learn how to behave both in family, school, and in society. Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it. Proverbs 22:6.


Yearly the kids  perform at church in different category of activities, such as Christmas , Easter, Vacation Bible School, where they  have to sing , recite poems , read verses in the bible, participate in plays, and etc….Understand that the world is not only made of spiritual activities , we also have for the kids social activity and entertain activities. As one of the biggest church of the community we, also, want to help the kids to dream big and make their dreams a reality. So all children are welcome to join our children ministry because we have a place for you!

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