A Church That Feeds The Soul

History of the Church
First Haitian Free Church of Nazarene by Faith
A dream comes true! In the year 1981, a young Haitian preacher of the gospel named Joseph Gardien Divra moved from his country, Haiti, where he used to preach the gospel and work as a gardner. The beginning in the United States was a struggle, but among all, he went through the light of success was always on his path. As a Christian, Joseph Gardien Divra, was dedicated and devoted to stay in connection with God and announce the goodness and the coming of Jesus to people living in Orlando. His faith and consistency gave him the acknowledgement and titile of being the first Haitian gospel preacher in Orlando. In collaboration with other Christians, he started having prayer services within his home. After couple of years, moving from location to location, the life of the church was really tormented, they encountered much persecution, yet they succeeded. A couple of years later, south side of Florida experimented a really big flood, which would force a lot of Haitian to migrate to Orlando, this migration went in the church benefits, where it brought new people to the church that would also join the church.
With the same vision and mission, which are to help, lead, and guide people on their way to heaven, The First Haitian Free Church of Nazarene is growing in souls and earn his autonomy by owning this place which is one proof of victory over the devil, and this victory became even greater. Four years ago the church decided to transform the old facility to a giant and marvelous sanctuary where hundreds of Christians come to worship not only on Sunday but other days during the week.
Today, the First Haitian Free Church of Nazarene can be considered as one of the most blessed churches in the Haitian community of Orlando, even Florida. With the courage, effort, determination, patience, strength, authority of Pastor Joseph Gardien Divra, our eyes are straight to the cross to give glory and honor to the Lord for these accomplishments.
And I tell you that you are Peter,and on this rock I will build my church,and the gates of Hades will not overcome it. Mathew 16:18